Aside from reaching our attorney’s personally, Portico can be reached at the following coordinates:

Address: Boulevard de Bischoffsheimlaan 33, 1000 Brussels
Phone number: +32 2 486 18 50
Fax number: +32 2 486 18 51


Lawyers use a neutral bank account, also known as a third-party account, in order to transfer client and different funds in a secure way, in accordance with our deontological and legal requirements.

Our third party account is BE82 7340 1998 7968.

The account on which we collects our fees is BE59 7340 3729 8226.

More about our fee structure can be read further on.


Every attorney that works at Portico does so on an independent basis. Every attorney working at Portico satisfies the conditions under Belgian law so as to be able to carry the title “attorney” (advocaat/avocat).

Accordingly, every attorney working at Portico is a member of the Brussels bar, either the francophone bar, or the Dutch-speaking bar.

This implies that every attorney is also held by a set of deontological rules. These rules can be found on as well as on (in Dutch and French).

Should any dispute on fees and costs arise, an ombudsperson is available to mediate, at no costs, voluntarily and confidentially. Complaints may be lodged, also in English, with OCA (Ombudsdienst consumentengeschillen advocatuur / Service de Médiation pour les litiges de consommation des avocats / Ombudsman service for consumer disputes relating to the legal profession). On the website (, more information can be found.


Portico is currently a limited liability company (Ltd.) under Belgian law (bvba/sprl), headquarted on Boulevard Bischoffsheimlaan 33, in 1000 Brussels. It has been assigned number 0670.946.525 in the Belgian corporate cross-roads bank (KBO/BCE). Its corporate structure can be described as follows.

Portico is run by three executive directors, which are Portico’s partners: Thomas Eyskens, Nicolas Bonbled and Aurélien Vandeburie.


Portico is insured in terms of civil and professional liabilities as follows:

The “Civil liability” of Portico’s attorneys and associates is covered, in first rank, by:

  • the collective policy of the Dutch-speaking Order of Attorneys of Brussels (Dutch-speaking Brussels bar), for the lawyers subscribed at this Order;
  • the collective policy of the French- and German-speaking Order of Attorneys of Belgium, for the lawyers subscribed at this Order.

The insured amount is 2.500.000 EUR by case including all damages and losses.

In second rank, the professional liabilities of the attorneys and associates is covered by a complementary insurance.

The insured amount is 2.500.000 € by case (complementary coverage in the amount 2 500 000 euro per annum is foreseen as soon as the first rank insurance coverage has been depleted).